
The following are Wilma's publications over her research career. All provided copies are the authors' original versions, pre-final copy editing, so may have some differences from the final published version.

    Publications and Refereed Conference Proceedings
    (Preprints of submitted papers)
  1. Guo, X. & Bainbridge, W.A. (submitted). Visual memory for natural scenes. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 3rd edition (Eds.: J. Wixted, T. Abel, S. Fusi, M. Rugg, L. Mickes).
  2. Roberts, B., Pruin, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Rosenberg, M.D., & deBettencourt, M.T. (in review). Memory augmentation with an adaptive cognitive interface. PsyArXiv.
  3. Revsine, C., Goldberg, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (in revision). The memorability of voices is predictable and consistent across listeners. bioRxiv.
  4. Megla, E., Rosenthal, S.R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (in review). Drawings reveal changes in object memory, but not spatial memory, across time. bioRxiv.
  5. Bai, Y., Peters, O., Freiesleben, S.D., Fenski, F., Priller, J., Spruth, E.J.,... Bainbridge, W.A. (in revision). Diagnostic images for mild cognitive impairment reveal biomarker status and abnormal scene processing. bioRxiv.
  6. Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (submitted). Learning image memorability with feedback-based training. bioRxiv.
  7. Děchtěrenko, F., Bainbridge, W.A., & Lukavský, J. (in review). Visual free recall and recognition in art students and laypeople. PsyArXiv.

  8. (Published papers)
  9. Guo, X. & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Children develop adult-like visual sensitivity to image memorability by the age of four. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153, 531-543. [Data & Code].  
  10. Gedvila, M.*, Ongchoco, J.D.K.*, & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorable beginnings, but forgettable endings: Intrinsic scene memorability alters our subjective experience of time. Visual Cognition, 5, 380-389. [Data & Code].   
  11. Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memory for artwork is predictable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120 (28), e23023891. [Data].   
  12. Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). The interaction of perception and memory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience [Data & Code].   
  13. Fan, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Chamberlain, R., & Wammes, J. (2023). Drawing as a versatile cognitive tool. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2, 556–568.
  14. Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). The features that drive the memorability of objects. Science Advances, 9, eadd2981. [Data & Code].   
  15. Hebscher, M., Bainbridge, W.A., & Voss, J.L. (2023). Neural similarity between overlapping events at learning differentially affects reinstatement acros the cortex. NeuroImage, 277, 120220.   
  16. deBettencourt, M.T., Bainbridge, W.A., & Rosenberg, M.D. (2023). Functional neuroimaging. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Second Edition (Eds: H. Cooper, M.N. Coutanche, L.M McMullen, A.T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, K.J. Sher). . (PDF available on request).
  17. Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2022). Multidimensional memory topography in the medial parietal cortex identified from neuroimaging of thousands of daily memory videos. Nature Communications, 13, 6508. [Data].   
  18. Li, X., Bainbridge, W.A., & Bakkour, A. (2022). Item memorability has no influence on value-based decisions. Scientific Reports, 12, 22056.   
  19. Broers, N., Bainbridge, W., Michel, R., Balestrieri, E., & Busch, N. (2022). The extent and specificity of visual exploration determines the formation of recollected memories in complex scenes. Journal of Vision, 22, 9. [Data].   
  20. Prasad, D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). The Visual Mandela Effect as evidence for shared and specific false memories across people. Psychological Sciences, 33, 1971-1988. [Data].   
  21. Ongchoco, J.D.K., Chun, M.M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). What moves us? The intrinsic memorability of dance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. [Data & Code].   
  22. Wakeland-Hart, C.D., Cao, S.A., deBettencourt, M.T.*, Bainbridge, W.A.*, Rosenberg, M.D.* (2022). Predicting visual memory across images and within individuals. Cognition, 227, 105201. [Data & Code].   
  23. Needell, C.D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Embracing new techniques in deep learning for estimating image memorability. Computational Brain & Behavior, 5, 168-184. [Github]. [OSF]. [Online Demo].   
  24. Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Memorability: Reconceptualizing memory as a visual attribute. Visual Memory (Eds: T.F. Brady and W.A. Bainbridge). Taylor & Francis.  
  25. Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Shared memories driven by the intrinsic memorability of items. Human Perception of Visual Information: Psychological and Computational Perspectives (Eds: B. Ionescu, W.A. Bainbridge, and N. Murray). Springer.   
  26. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2021). Highly similar and competing visual scenes lead to diminished object but not spatial detail in memory drawings. Memory, 30, 279-292. [Data & Code].   
  27. Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). A tutorial on capturing mental representations through drawing and crowd-sourced scoring. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 663-675. [Data & Code]. [Youtube tutorial series].
  28. Grande, X., Berron, D., Maass, A., Bainbridge, W.A., & Düzel, D. (2021). Content-specific vulnerability of recent episodic memories in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychologia, 160, 1079796. (PDF available on request).
  29. Bainbridge, W.A, Kwok, W.Y., Baker, C.I. (2021). Disrupted object-scene semantics boost scene recall but diminish object recall in drawings from memory. Memory & Cognition, 49, 1568-1582. [Data].   
  30. Bainbridge, W.A., Pounder, Z., Eardley, A.F., Baker, C.I. (2021). Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory. Cortex, 135, 159-172. [Data].   
  31. Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2020). Reply to Intraub. Current Biology, 30, 24, R1465-R1466.
  32. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., Baker, C.I. (2020). Distinct representational structure and localization for visual encoding and recall during visual imagery. Cerebral Cortex, bhaa329.   
  33. Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., Inati, S.K., Baker, C.I., Zaghloul, K. (2020). Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. Nature Human Behaviour. [Data].   
  34. Bainbridge, W.A. (2020). The resiliency of image memorability: A predictor of memory separate from attention and priming. Neuropsychologia.   
  35. Bainbridge, W.A. and Baker, C.I. (2020). Boundaries extend and contract in scene memory depending on image properties. Current Biology, 30, 537-543. [Data].   
  36. Bainbridge, W.A., Berron, D., Schütze, H., Cardenas-Blanco, A., Metzger, C., Dobisch, L., et al. (2019). Memorability of photographs in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment for cognitive assessment. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 11, 610-618.   
  37. Bainbridge, W.A. (2019). Memorability: How what we see influences what we remember. In Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 70, 1-27. Eds., K. Federmeier & D. Beck.   
  38. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Drawings of real-world scenes during free recall reveal detailed object and spatial information in memory. Nature Communications, 10, 5. [Data].   
  39. Bainbridge, W.A., & Rissman, J. (2018). Dissociating neural markers of stimulus memorability and subjective recognition during episodic retrieval. Scientific Reports, 8, 8679.   
  40. Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2017). Memorability: A stimulus-driven perceptual neural signature distinctive from memory. NeuroImage, 149, 141-152. [Data].
  41. Bainbridge, W.A. (2017). The memorability of people: Intrinsic memorability across transformations of a person's face. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(5), 706-716. [Data].
  42. Khaligh-Razavi, S-M., Bainbridge, W.A., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). From what we perceive to what we remember: Characterizing representational dynamics of visual memorability. bioRxiv.   
  43. Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). A toolbox and sample object perception data for equalization of natural images. Data in Brief, 5, 846-851. [Data].
  44. Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). Interaction envelope: Local spatial representations of objects at all scales in scene-selective regions. NeuroImage, 122, 408-416. [Data].
  45. Bainbridge, C.M., Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). Quadri-stability of a spatially ambiguous auditory illusion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9 (1060).    .
  46. Bainbridge, W.A., Isola, P., & Oliva, A. (2013). The intrinsic memorability of face images. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(4), 1323-1334. [Data]. .
  47. Khosla, A., Bainbridge, W.A., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2013). Modifying the memorability of face photographs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, Australia.    .
  48. Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2012). A methodological outline and utility assessment of sensor-based biosignal measurement in human-robot interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics, 4: 303-316. [Data].   
  49. Kuhl, B.A., Bainbridge, W.A., & Chun, M.M. (2012). Neural reactivation reveals mechanisms for updating memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(10), 3453 - 3461.   
  50. Bainbridge*, W.A., Isola*, P., Blank, I., & Oliva A. (2012). Establishing a database for studying human face photograph memory. 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Sapporo, Japan. Poster.
  51. Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Robot sensor data as a means to measure human reactions to an interaction. In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. Bled, Slovenia: October, 2011. Talk.
  52. Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Kakiuchi, Y., Nagahama, K., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Understanding expectations of a robot's identity through multi-user interactions. Proceedings of the HRI 2011 Workshop on Expectations in intuitive human-robot interaction. Lausanne, Switzerland: March, 2011. Talk.
  53. Bainbridge, W.A., Hart, J., Kim, E.S., & Scassellati B. (2010). The benefits of interactions with physically present robots over video-displayed agents. International Journal of Social Robotics (Vol 1-2), 2009-2010.   
  54. Bainbridge, W.A., Hart, J., Kim, E.S., & Scassellati, B. (2008). The effect of presence on human-robot interaction. ROMAN 2008: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Munich, Germany: 701-706. Talk.
  55. Bainbridge, W.S. & Bainbridge, W.A. (Sep 2007). Electronic game research methodologies: studying religious implications. Review of Religious Research.
  56. Bainbridge, W.A. & Bainbridge, W.S. (2006). Creative uses of software errors: glitches and cheats. Social Science Computer Review (SSCOR).   
  57. Bainbridge, W.A., White, R., & Oard, D. (2005). An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata. Proceedings of the SIGIR 2005 Conference on Research and in Information Retrieval. Salvador, Brazil; 2005. Poster.

Other Publications and Conference Proceedings
  1. Guo, X., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Semantic and visual features drive the intrinsic memorability of co-speech gestures. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Talk.
  2. Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). The creation of artwork reveals temporal and spatial properties of memorability. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
  3. Rosenthal, S.R., Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Drawings reveal no benefit of sleep on memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
  4. Rim, N., Kardan, O., Krishnan, S., Bainbridge, W.A., & Berman, M.G. (2024). Perceiving natural images may consume less cognitive resources: evidence from image memorability, edge magnitudes, and spectral content. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
  5. Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Is a lack of visual imagery subjective or objective (or both)? Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Toronto, Canada. Talk.
  6. Megla, E., Rosenthal, S. & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Drawings reveal changes in object, but not spatial, memory across time. Object Perception, Attention and Memory (OPAM) Conference. San Francisco, CA. Talk.
  7. Guo, X., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Children show adult-like memory patterns to scene images by the age of four. Object Perception, Attention and Memory (OPAM) Conference. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
  8. Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Investigating the consistency and determinants of speaker memorability. Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM). San Francisco, CA. Talk.
  9. Ongchoco, J., Gedvila, M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorable beginnings, but forgettable endings: Intrinsic image memorability alters our subjective experience of time. Timing Research Forum. Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.
  10. Davis, T.M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Quantifying the temporal dynamics of memorability through the creation of art. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  11. Prasad, D., Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Imagery in a pair of aphantasic and non-aphantasic identical twins: Neural similarities and differences. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  12. Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Comparing the consistency and determinants of visual and auditory memorability. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  13. Megla, E., & ¤ Rosenthal, S., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Remembering where, but not what: how spatial and object visual memory change across delays in recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  14. Bai, Y., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Compensatory activations for diagnostic scene images were found in mild cognitive decline individuals but not in healthy controls. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  15. Pruin, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Rosenberg, M., & deBettencourt, M. (2023). Memory augmentation with adaptive cognitive interfaces. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  16. Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorability as a metric of visual statistics. Neurobiology of Statistical Learning. Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, CA. Talk.
  17. Lee, M.-C., Berman, M., Bainbridge*, W.A., & Stier*, A. (2023). Deriving the Representational Space and Memorability of Object Concepts and Features. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
  18. Fan, J.E., Mukherjee, K., Huey, H., Hebart, M.N., Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). THINGS-drawings: A large-scale dataset containing human sketches of 1,854 object concepts. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
  19. Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Memorability as a metric of visual statistics. Learning & Memory; Symposium on "Understanding memory-related behaviors using formal models of sensory processing". Huntington Beach, CA. Talk.
  20. Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Learning the visual memorability of images with feedback-based training. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  21. Megla, E., Greenberg, R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Dissociation between object detail and spatial memory across exposure time using drawing. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  22. Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Consistency in the paintings that people remember—the impact of memorability on art. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  23. Guo, X., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Children show adult-like memory patterns to scene images by the age of five. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  24. Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Semantics, not atypicality, reflect memorability across concrete objects. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
  25. Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2022). Thousands of daily recorded visual memories reveal a multidimensional cortical topography of memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk in the Symposium "What does the world look like? How do we know?".
  26. Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawing out our visual memories. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Virtual conference. Talk.
  27. Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings as a window into variations of imagery. Extreme Imagination Conference. Virtual conference. Talk.
  28. Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings and crowd-sourced scoring as a readout for visual and mental representations. European Conference on Visual Perception. Virtual conference. Talk.
  29. Bai, Y., Schütze, H., Jessen, F., Spottke, A., Nestor, P., Bürger, K., Schneider, A., Peters, O., Priller, J., Wiltfang, J., Laske, C., Teipel, S.J., Düzel, E.*, & Bainbridge, W.A.* (2021). Memorability analysis for diagnostic photographs in cognitive assessment: Linking behavioral performance with biomarker status. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Virtual. Poster.
  30. Prasad, D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). The Visual Mandela Effect: Evidence for specific shared false memories in popular iconography. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  31. Zhou, L., Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Recall of faces quantified through an avatar creation interface. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  32. Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Revealing the relative contributions of conceptual and perceptual information to visual memorability. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  33. Greenberg, R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings reveal accurate visual information in memory after just 100 ms of exposure. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  34. Needell, C.D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Embracing new techniques in deep learning for predicting image memorability. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  35. Děchtěrenko, F., Lukavský, J., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawing ability correlates with visual memory performance. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  36. Wakeland-Hart, C.D., deBettencourt, M.T., Cao, S., Bainbridge, W.A.*, & Rosenberg, M.D.* (2021). Building a comprehensive model of visual memory from images and individuals. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
  37. Broers, N., Bainbridge, W.A., & Busch, N. A. (2021). The extent and specificity of visual exploration determine the formation of recollected memories in complex scenes. Tagnung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Ulm, Germany. Talk.
  38. Wakeland-Hart, C.D., deBettencourt, M.T., Bainbridge, W.A., & Rosenberg, M.D. (2020). Predicting memory from individual attentional state and image memorability. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory. Virtual conference. Poster.
  39. Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2020). Rethinking boundary extension as a universal effect in scene memory. NeuroMatch 2.0. Virtual Conference. Talk.
  40. Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., Inati, S., Baker, C.I., & Zaghloul, K. (2020). Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. NeuroMatch 2.0. Virtual Conference. Talk.
  41. Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2020). Rethinking boundary extension as a universal phenomenon of visual memory. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual Conference. Poster.
  42. Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2020). Distinct profiles of perception and memory in high-level visual cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Virtual Conference. Talk.
  43. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Differences in the neural representations of visual content between encoding and free recall across the brain. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL. Poster.
  44. Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., & Zaghloul, K. (2019). Memorability of arbitrary verbal associations and its role during memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL. Poster.
  45. Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2019). Using drawings to reveal the object and spatial detail in visual memories. Concepts, Actions, and Objects Workshop. Rovereto, Italy. Poster.
  46. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Comparing the categorical structure of perceived and recalled images in visual cortex and hippocampus. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  47. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Investigating visual free recall of highly similar and competing scene stimuli Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  48. Kwok, W.Y., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Incongruent objects in real-world scenes distort visual memory recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  49. Bainbridge, W.A., Pounder, Z., Eardley, A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Characterizing aphantasia through memory drawings of real-world images. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
  50. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Creating false memories: Investigating visual recall of multiple exemplars in a single category. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
  51. Kwok, W.Y., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Effects of incongruent objects in real-world scenes on memory recall. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
  52. Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2018). Leveraging thousands of dynamic, daily real-world memories to investigate the neural patterns of memories over time. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA. Poster.
  53. Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2018). Leveraging thousands of dynamic, daily real-world memories to investigate the neural patterns of memories over time. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA. Poster.
  54. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Comparing the neural correlates of visual encoding and free recall. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Singapore. Poster.
  55. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Visual recall memory contains highly detailed and precise object and spatial information. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
  56. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Comparing memory based on visual recall, visual recognition, and verbal recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
  57. Bainbridge, W.A. (2018). Creating BIG Datasets. Vision Sciences Society; Satellite event "Tutorial on Big Data and Online Crowd-Sourcing for Vision Research". St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. [Course page].
  58. Bainbridge, W.A. (2018). Memorability - predicting memory from visual information, and measuring visual information from memory. Vision Sciences Society; Symposium on "When seeing becomes knowing: Memory in the form perception pathway". St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
  59. Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Visual free recall of real-world scenes reveals high capacity and exquisite detail in memory. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
  60. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Investigating neural signatures of visual encoding and recall using 7T fMRI. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
  61. Bainbridge, W.A., & Rissman, J. (2017). Neural dissociation of stimulus memorability and subjective recognition during episodic retrieval. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington, DC. Talk. .
  62. Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2017). Quantifying the resolution and capacity of memory during free recall of real-world visual scenes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington, DC. Poster. .
  63. Bainbridge*, W.A., Berron*, D., Schütze, H., Jessen, F., Spottke, A., Nestor, P., Bürger, K., Schneider, A., Peters, O., Priller, J., Wiltfang, J., Laske, C., Teipel, S.J., Baker, C.I., Düzel, E., & DELCODE consortium. (2017). What is memorable is conserved across healthy aging, early Alzheimer's Disease, and neural networks. Alzheimer's Association International Conference. London, UK. Poster. .
  64. Bainbridge, W.A. (2017). Stimulus memorability as a unique determinant of memory independent from attention, priming. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
  65. Bainbridge, W.A., Khaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). Spatial and Temporal Signatures of Memorability in the Brain. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2016 Abstracts. Geneva, Switzerland. Poster and Talk. .
  66. Bainbridge, W.A. (2016). The intrinsic memorability of face identities. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
  67. Khaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Bainbridge, W.A., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). Temporal dynamics of memorability: an intrinsic brain signal distinct from memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
  68. Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2015). Dissociation of memorability and memory encoding in the brain. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
  69. Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2014). To be, or not to be, remembered: Patterns of memorability in the medial temporal lobe. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington DC, USA. Poster. .
  70. Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2014). Neural signatures of visual memorability: memory in the first perception of an image. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
  71. Khosla, A., Bainbridge, W.A., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2014). Modifying a face to make it more memorable or forgettable. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
  72. Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2014). The cognitive and neural bases of face memorability. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
  73. Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2013). Object interaction space represented in scene-selective regions. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Talk. .
  74. Bainbridge, C., Bainbridge, W., & Oliva, A. (2013). Introducing a quadristable auditory spatial illusion: imagining objects moving through space. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Poster.
  75. Oliva, A., Isola, P., Khosla, A., & Bainbridge, W. (2013). What makes a picture memorable? SPIE Newsroom, May 7 2013. [online article].
  76. Bainbridge, W.A., Levin, L.K., & Oliva, A. (2012). The cortical representations of objects as a function of the interaction space size. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. New Orleans, USA. [Poster].
  77. Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva A. (2012). An fMRI investigation of differential cortical activity for object interaction space size. Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives. Rovereto, Italy. [Poster].
  78. Bainbridge, W.A., Ueda, R., Nozawa, S., Kakiuchi, Y., Nagahama, K., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Using biofeedback to analyze human-robot interaction experiments. Proceedings of the JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2011. Okayama, Japan: 2011. [Japanese language text. Japanese title: バイオフィードバックに基づく人間・ロボット交流実験の分析]. Poster.
  79. Kuhl, B., Bainbridge, W., & Chun, M. (2011). Decoding retrieval of competing visual memories from neural reactivation. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Talk.
  80. Kuhl, B.A., Bainbridge, W., & Chun, M.M. (2010). Acquiring new memories in the face of competition from prior learning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. San Francisco, USA. Poster.