The following are Wilma's publications over her research career. All provided copies are the authors' original versions, pre-final copy editing, so may have some differences from the final published version.
Publications and Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Guo, X. & Bainbridge, W.A. (submitted). Visual memory for natural scenes. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 3rd edition (Eds.: J. Wixted, T. Abel, S. Fusi, M. Rugg, L. Mickes).
- Roberts, B., Pruin, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Rosenberg, M.D., & deBettencourt, M.T. (in review). Memory augmentation with an adaptive cognitive interface. PsyArXiv.
- Revsine, C., Goldberg, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (in revision). The memorability of voices is predictable and consistent across listeners. bioRxiv.
- Megla, E., Rosenthal, S.R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (in review). Drawings reveal changes in object memory, but not spatial memory, across time. bioRxiv.
- Bai, Y., Peters, O., Freiesleben, S.D., Fenski, F., Priller, J., Spruth, E.J.,... Bainbridge, W.A. (in revision). Diagnostic images for mild cognitive impairment reveal biomarker status and abnormal scene processing. bioRxiv.
- Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (submitted). Learning image memorability with feedback-based training. bioRxiv.
- Děchtěrenko, F., Bainbridge, W.A., & Lukavský, J. (in review). Visual free recall and recognition in art students and laypeople. PsyArXiv.
- Guo, X. & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Children develop adult-like visual sensitivity to image memorability by the age of four. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153, 531-543. [Data & Code].
- Gedvila, M.*, Ongchoco, J.D.K.*, & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorable beginnings, but forgettable endings: Intrinsic scene memorability alters our subjective experience of time. Visual Cognition, 5, 380-389. [Data & Code].
- Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memory for artwork is predictable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120 (28), e23023891. [Data].
- Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). The interaction of perception and memory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience [Data & Code].
- Fan, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Chamberlain, R., & Wammes, J. (2023). Drawing as a versatile cognitive tool. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2, 556–568.
- Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). The features that drive the memorability of objects. Science Advances, 9, eadd2981. [Data & Code].
- Hebscher, M., Bainbridge, W.A., & Voss, J.L. (2023). Neural similarity between overlapping events at learning differentially affects reinstatement acros the cortex. NeuroImage, 277, 120220.
- deBettencourt, M.T., Bainbridge, W.A., & Rosenberg, M.D. (2023). Functional neuroimaging. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Second Edition (Eds: H. Cooper, M.N. Coutanche, L.M McMullen, A.T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, K.J. Sher). . (PDF available on request).
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2022). Multidimensional memory topography in the medial parietal cortex identified from neuroimaging of thousands of daily memory videos. Nature Communications, 13, 6508. [Data].
- Li, X., Bainbridge, W.A., & Bakkour, A. (2022). Item memorability has no influence on value-based decisions. Scientific Reports, 12, 22056.
- Broers, N., Bainbridge, W., Michel, R., Balestrieri, E., & Busch, N. (2022). The extent and specificity of visual exploration determines the formation of recollected memories in complex scenes. Journal of Vision, 22, 9. [Data].
- Prasad, D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). The Visual Mandela Effect as evidence for shared and specific false memories across people. Psychological Sciences, 33, 1971-1988. [Data].
- Ongchoco, J.D.K., Chun, M.M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). What moves us? The intrinsic memorability of dance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. [Data & Code].
- Wakeland-Hart, C.D., Cao, S.A., deBettencourt, M.T.*, Bainbridge, W.A.*, Rosenberg, M.D.* (2022). Predicting visual memory across images and within individuals. Cognition, 227, 105201. [Data & Code].
- Needell, C.D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Embracing new techniques in deep learning for estimating image memorability. Computational Brain & Behavior, 5, 168-184. [Github]. [OSF]. [Online Demo].
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Memorability: Reconceptualizing memory as a visual attribute. Visual Memory (Eds: T.F. Brady and W.A. Bainbridge). Taylor & Francis.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Shared memories driven by the intrinsic memorability of items. Human Perception of Visual Information: Psychological and Computational Perspectives (Eds: B. Ionescu, W.A. Bainbridge, and N. Murray). Springer.
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2021). Highly similar and competing visual scenes lead to diminished object but not spatial detail in memory drawings. Memory, 30, 279-292. [Data & Code].
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). A tutorial on capturing mental representations through drawing and crowd-sourced scoring. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 663-675. [Data & Code]. [Youtube tutorial series].
- Grande, X., Berron, D., Maass, A., Bainbridge, W.A., & Düzel, D. (2021). Content-specific vulnerability of recent episodic memories in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychologia, 160, 1079796. (PDF available on request).
- Bainbridge, W.A, Kwok, W.Y., Baker, C.I. (2021). Disrupted object-scene semantics boost scene recall but diminish object recall in drawings from memory. Memory & Cognition, 49, 1568-1582. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A., Pounder, Z., Eardley, A.F., Baker, C.I. (2021). Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory. Cortex, 135, 159-172. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2020). Reply to Intraub. Current Biology, 30, 24, R1465-R1466.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., Baker, C.I. (2020). Distinct representational structure and localization for visual encoding and recall during visual imagery. Cerebral Cortex, bhaa329.
- Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., Inati, S.K., Baker, C.I., Zaghloul, K. (2020). Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. Nature Human Behaviour. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2020). The resiliency of image memorability: A predictor of memory separate from attention and priming. Neuropsychologia.
- Bainbridge, W.A. and Baker, C.I. (2020). Boundaries extend and contract in scene memory depending on image properties. Current Biology, 30, 537-543. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A., Berron, D., Schütze, H., Cardenas-Blanco, A., Metzger, C., Dobisch, L., et al. (2019). Memorability of photographs in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment for cognitive assessment. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 11, 610-618.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2019). Memorability: How what we see influences what we remember. In Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 70, 1-27. Eds., K. Federmeier & D. Beck.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Drawings of real-world scenes during free recall reveal detailed object and spatial information in memory. Nature Communications, 10, 5. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Rissman, J. (2018). Dissociating neural markers of stimulus memorability and subjective recognition during episodic retrieval. Scientific Reports, 8, 8679.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2017). Memorability: A stimulus-driven perceptual neural signature distinctive from memory. NeuroImage, 149, 141-152. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2017). The memorability of people: Intrinsic memorability across transformations of a person's face. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(5), 706-716. [Data].
- Khaligh-Razavi, S-M., Bainbridge, W.A., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). From what we perceive to what we remember: Characterizing representational dynamics of visual memorability. bioRxiv.
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). A toolbox and sample object perception data for equalization of natural images. Data in Brief, 5, 846-851. [Data].
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). Interaction envelope: Local spatial representations of objects at all scales in scene-selective regions. NeuroImage, 122, 408-416. [Data].
- Bainbridge, C.M., Bainbridge, W.A., & Oliva, A. (2015). Quadri-stability of a spatially ambiguous auditory illusion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9 (1060). .
- Bainbridge, W.A., Isola, P., & Oliva, A. (2013). The intrinsic memorability of face images. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(4), 1323-1334. [Data]. .
- Khosla, A., Bainbridge, W.A., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2013). Modifying the memorability of face photographs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, Australia. .
- Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2012). A methodological outline and utility assessment of sensor-based biosignal measurement in human-robot interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics, 4: 303-316. [Data].
- Kuhl, B.A., Bainbridge, W.A., & Chun, M.M. (2012). Neural reactivation reveals mechanisms for updating memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(10), 3453 - 3461.
- Bainbridge*, W.A., Isola*, P., Blank, I., & Oliva A. (2012). Establishing a database for studying human face photograph memory. 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Sapporo, Japan. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Robot sensor data as a means to measure human reactions to an interaction. In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. Bled, Slovenia: October, 2011. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Nozawa, S., Ueda, R., Kakiuchi, Y., Nagahama, K., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Understanding expectations of a robot's identity through multi-user interactions. Proceedings of the HRI 2011 Workshop on Expectations in intuitive human-robot interaction. Lausanne, Switzerland: March, 2011. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hart, J., Kim, E.S., & Scassellati B. (2010). The benefits of interactions with physically present robots over video-displayed agents. International Journal of Social Robotics (Vol 1-2), 2009-2010.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hart, J., Kim, E.S., & Scassellati, B. (2008). The effect of presence on human-robot interaction. ROMAN 2008: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Munich, Germany: 701-706. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.S. & Bainbridge, W.A. (Sep 2007). Electronic game research methodologies: studying religious implications. Review of Religious Research.
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Bainbridge, W.S. (2006). Creative uses of software errors: glitches and cheats. Social Science Computer Review (SSCOR).
- Bainbridge, W.A., White, R., & Oard, D. (2005). An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata. Proceedings of the SIGIR 2005 Conference on Research and in Information Retrieval. Salvador, Brazil; 2005. Poster.
(Preprints of submitted papers)
(Published papers)
Other Publications and Conference Proceedings
- Guo, X., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Semantic and visual features drive the intrinsic memorability of co-speech gestures. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Talk.
- Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). The creation of artwork reveals temporal and spatial properties of memorability. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
- Rosenthal, S.R., Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Drawings reveal no benefit of sleep on memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
- Rim, N., Kardan, O., Krishnan, S., Bainbridge, W.A., & Berman, M.G. (2024). Perceiving natural images may consume less cognitive resources: evidence from image memorability, edge magnitudes, and spectral content. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete, FL. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2024). Is a lack of visual imagery subjective or objective (or both)? Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Toronto, Canada. Talk.
- Megla, E., Rosenthal, S. & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Drawings reveal changes in object, but not spatial, memory across time. Object Perception, Attention and Memory (OPAM) Conference. San Francisco, CA. Talk.
- Guo, X., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Children show adult-like memory patterns to scene images by the age of four. Object Perception, Attention and Memory (OPAM) Conference. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
- Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Investigating the consistency and determinants of speaker memorability. Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM). San Francisco, CA. Talk.
- Ongchoco, J., Gedvila, M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorable beginnings, but forgettable endings: Intrinsic image memorability alters our subjective experience of time. Timing Research Forum. Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.
- Davis, T.M., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Quantifying the temporal dynamics of memorability through the creation of art. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Prasad, D., Megla, E., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Imagery in a pair of aphantasic and non-aphantasic identical twins: Neural similarities and differences. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Comparing the consistency and determinants of visual and auditory memorability. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Megla, E., & ¤ Rosenthal, S., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Remembering where, but not what: how spatial and object visual memory change across delays in recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Bai, Y., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Compensatory activations for diagnostic scene images were found in mild cognitive decline individuals but not in healthy controls. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Pruin, J., Bainbridge, W.A., Rosenberg, M., & deBettencourt, M. (2023). Memory augmentation with adaptive cognitive interfaces. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). Memorability as a metric of visual statistics. Neurobiology of Statistical Learning. Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, CA. Talk.
- Lee, M.-C., Berman, M., Bainbridge*, W.A., & Stier*, A. (2023). Deriving the Representational Space and Memorability of Object Concepts and Features. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
- Fan, J.E., Mukherjee, K., Huey, H., Hebart, M.N., Bainbridge, W.A. (2023). THINGS-drawings: A large-scale dataset containing human sketches of 1,854 object concepts. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Memorability as a metric of visual statistics. Learning & Memory; Symposium on "Understanding memory-related behaviors using formal models of sensory processing". Huntington Beach, CA. Talk.
- Revsine, C., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Learning the visual memorability of images with feedback-based training. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Megla, E., Greenberg, R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Dissociation between object detail and spatial memory across exposure time using drawing. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Consistency in the paintings that people remember—the impact of memorability on art. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Guo, X., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Children show adult-like memory patterns to scene images by the age of five. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2022). Semantics, not atypicality, reflect memorability across concrete objects. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2022). Thousands of daily recorded visual memories reveal a multidimensional cortical topography of memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk in the Symposium "What does the world look like? How do we know?".
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawing out our visual memories. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Virtual conference. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings as a window into variations of imagery. Extreme Imagination Conference. Virtual conference. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings and crowd-sourced scoring as a readout for visual and mental representations. European Conference on Visual Perception. Virtual conference. Talk.
- Bai, Y., Schütze, H., Jessen, F., Spottke, A., Nestor, P., Bürger, K., Schneider, A., Peters, O., Priller, J., Wiltfang, J., Laske, C., Teipel, S.J., Düzel, E.*, & Bainbridge, W.A.* (2021). Memorability analysis for diagnostic photographs in cognitive assessment: Linking behavioral performance with biomarker status. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Virtual. Poster.
- Prasad, D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). The Visual Mandela Effect: Evidence for specific shared false memories in popular iconography. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Zhou, L., Davis, T., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Recall of faces quantified through an avatar creation interface. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Kramer, M.A., Hebart, M.N., Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Revealing the relative contributions of conceptual and perceptual information to visual memorability. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Greenberg, R., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawings reveal accurate visual information in memory after just 100 ms of exposure. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Needell, C.D., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Embracing new techniques in deep learning for predicting image memorability. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Děchtěrenko, F., Lukavský, J., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2021). Drawing ability correlates with visual memory performance. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Wakeland-Hart, C.D., deBettencourt, M.T., Cao, S., Bainbridge, W.A.*, & Rosenberg, M.D.* (2021). Building a comprehensive model of visual memory from images and individuals. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Broers, N., Bainbridge, W.A., & Busch, N. A. (2021). The extent and specificity of visual exploration determine the formation of recollected memories in complex scenes. Tagnung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Ulm, Germany. Talk.
- Wakeland-Hart, C.D., deBettencourt, M.T., Bainbridge, W.A., & Rosenberg, M.D. (2020). Predicting memory from individual attentional state and image memorability. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory. Virtual conference. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2020). Rethinking boundary extension as a universal effect in scene memory. NeuroMatch 2.0. Virtual Conference. Talk.
- Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., Inati, S., Baker, C.I., & Zaghloul, K. (2020). Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. NeuroMatch 2.0. Virtual Conference. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2020). Rethinking boundary extension as a universal phenomenon of visual memory. Vision Sciences Society. Virtual Conference. Poster.
- Baker, C.I., & Bainbridge, W.A. (2020). Distinct profiles of perception and memory in high-level visual cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Virtual Conference. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Differences in the neural representations of visual content between encoding and free recall across the brain. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL. Poster.
- Xie, W., Bainbridge, W.A., & Zaghloul, K. (2019). Memorability of arbitrary verbal associations and its role during memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2019). Using drawings to reveal the object and spatial detail in visual memories. Concepts, Actions, and Objects Workshop. Rovereto, Italy. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Comparing the categorical structure of perceived and recalled images in visual cortex and hippocampus. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Investigating visual free recall of highly similar and competing scene stimuli Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Kwok, W.Y., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Incongruent objects in real-world scenes distort visual memory recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Pounder, Z., Eardley, A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Characterizing aphantasia through memory drawings of real-world images. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Creating false memories: Investigating visual recall of multiple exemplars in a single category. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
- Kwok, W.Y., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2019). Effects of incongruent objects in real-world scenes on memory recall. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2018). Leveraging thousands of dynamic, daily real-world memories to investigate the neural patterns of memories over time. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Baker, C.I. (2018). Leveraging thousands of dynamic, daily real-world memories to investigate the neural patterns of memories over time. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Comparing the neural correlates of visual encoding and free recall. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Singapore. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Visual recall memory contains highly detailed and precise object and spatial information. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Comparing memory based on visual recall, visual recognition, and verbal recall. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster.
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2018). Creating BIG Datasets. Vision Sciences Society; Satellite event "Tutorial on Big Data and Online Crowd-Sourcing for Vision Research". St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. [Course page].
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2018). Memorability - predicting memory from visual information, and measuring visual information from memory. Vision Sciences Society; Symposium on "When seeing becomes knowing: Memory in the form perception pathway". St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk.
- Bainbridge, W.A., Hall, E.H., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Visual free recall of real-world scenes reveals high capacity and exquisite detail in memory. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2018). Investigating neural signatures of visual encoding and recall using 7T fMRI. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A., & Rissman, J. (2017). Neural dissociation of stimulus memorability and subjective recognition during episodic retrieval. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington, DC. Talk. .
- Hall, E.H., Bainbridge, W.A., & Baker, C.I. (2017). Quantifying the resolution and capacity of memory during free recall of real-world visual scenes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington, DC. Poster. .
- Bainbridge*, W.A., Berron*, D., Schütze, H., Jessen, F., Spottke, A., Nestor, P., Bürger, K., Schneider, A., Peters, O., Priller, J., Wiltfang, J., Laske, C., Teipel, S.J., Baker, C.I., Düzel, E., & DELCODE consortium. (2017). What is memorable is conserved across healthy aging, early Alzheimer's Disease, and neural networks. Alzheimer's Association International Conference. London, UK. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2017). Stimulus memorability as a unique determinant of memory independent from attention, priming. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
- Bainbridge, W.A., Khaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). Spatial and Temporal Signatures of Memorability in the Brain. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2016 Abstracts. Geneva, Switzerland. Poster and Talk. .
- Bainbridge, W.A. (2016). The intrinsic memorability of face identities. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
- Khaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Bainbridge, W.A., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2016). Temporal dynamics of memorability: an intrinsic brain signal distinct from memory. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Talk. .
- Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2015). Dissociation of memorability and memory encoding in the brain. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2014). To be, or not to be, remembered: Patterns of memorability in the medial temporal lobe. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Washington DC, USA. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2014). Neural signatures of visual memorability: memory in the first perception of an image. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
- Khosla, A., Bainbridge, W.A., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2014). Modifying a face to make it more memorable or forgettable. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2014). The cognitive and neural bases of face memorability. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Poster. .
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva, A. (2013). Object interaction space represented in scene-selective regions. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Talk. .
- Bainbridge, C., Bainbridge, W., & Oliva, A. (2013). Introducing a quadristable auditory spatial illusion: imagining objects moving through space. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Poster.
- Oliva, A., Isola, P., Khosla, A., & Bainbridge, W. (2013). What makes a picture memorable? SPIE Newsroom, May 7 2013. [online article].
- Bainbridge, W.A., Levin, L.K., & Oliva, A. (2012). The cortical representations of objects as a function of the interaction space size. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. New Orleans, USA. [Poster].
- Bainbridge, W.A. & Oliva A. (2012). An fMRI investigation of differential cortical activity for object interaction space size. Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives. Rovereto, Italy. [Poster].
- Bainbridge, W.A., Ueda, R., Nozawa, S., Kakiuchi, Y., Nagahama, K., Okada, K., & Inaba, M. (2011). Using biofeedback to analyze human-robot interaction experiments. Proceedings of the JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2011. Okayama, Japan: 2011. [Japanese language text. Japanese title: バイオフィードバックに基づく人間・ロボット交流実験の分析]. Poster.
- Kuhl, B., Bainbridge, W., & Chun, M. (2011). Decoding retrieval of competing visual memories from neural reactivation. Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL. Talk.
- Kuhl, B.A., Bainbridge, W., & Chun, M.M. (2010). Acquiring new memories in the face of competition from prior learning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. San Francisco, USA. Poster.